Friday 18 January 2013

The Girls Of Spartacus: War of the Damned

"It’s easier to take it all off than to cover yourself up..."

They say revenge is a dish best served cold, but on the Starz series Spartacus: War of the Damned, it's served smokin' hot. Sexy stars Ellen Hollman (a.k.a. Saxa), Cynthia Addari-Robinson (a.k.a. Naevia), and Gwendoline Taylor (a.k.a. Sibyl) were nice enough to tell Maxim about the final season of their sword-, sandal-, and sex-filled show... without kicking their asses...

Cynthia Addai-Robinson

Hometown: Washington, D.C.
Birthday: January 12

What was the most fun thing for you about filming the show?

The character I’m playing, Naevia, was learning how to fight last season. Now she’s caught up and fighting alongside all the men. It’s pretty fun.

What do you do to get yourself ready for shooting sex scenes?

Wine is always helpful. We try to keep it light, and there’s always a lot of laughter to help take the edge off. But it probably looks more fun than it actually is.

Has there ever been anything on the set that freaked you out completely?

We have a pretty extreme environment on the show, this season especially. I definitely had a couple of scenes where things lit on fire, and I was just hoping to finish the day with no major injuries.

The show is very sexy. You think there will be any Spartacus babies as a result?

We have a very good-looking group of people. The show’s elements—the wardrobe, the fight sequences—come together to make a steamy night of TV viewing. I know a lot of couples use the show as a way to keep it spicy in the bedroom.

What’s your biggest turnoff?

I’m not a fan of whistles and whispers. Those kinds of things drive me nuts and they never work.

Are you single?

I’ll leave that one blank.

Ellen Hollman

Hometown: Detroit, Michigan
Birthday: April 1

What’s your favorite part about shooting Spartacus: Vengeance?

Doing my own stunts and choreographing my own fight scenes. I did a lot of knife training with reverse-grip double daggers. You take two daggers, reverse the grip, and then just fuck shit up, basically.

You had to flip a 220-pound dude over your head in a scene. How was that?

My life may or may not have flashed before my eyes a few times. It was a thrill, though.

Has there been anything on the show you were glad you didn’t have to do?

Oh, yeah. My character has dabbled in just about every graphic category across the board, but some people got it worse in the vulgarity department than I did.

How does Spartacus compare to other shows you’ve done?

Spartacus stands alone in that it’s like shooting a movie every three weeks for seven months straight. I’ve never experienced anything in my life quite like it.

How has your character, Saxa, evolved over the course of the series?

Saxa has gone from feisty kitten to fierce lioness. She’s grown into her paws and is bigger and badder, giving the guys a run for their money.

Gwendoline Taylor

Hometown: New Plymouth, New Zealand
Birthday: November 7

What’s been your most embarrassing moment on set?

Probably flashing everyone on my first day. I was pulling my costume down and accidentally pulled it up in back, so all the extras saw my butt. It was the first thing I learned about the show: It’s easier to take it all off than to cover yourself up.

What do you do to stay in shape?

I’ll do about two or three dance classes a week, and I go to the gym every day. I really like getting out on my Rollerblades, too, even though I suck at them.

Do you have a favorite body part?

I would say my legs. The costume department decided that my legs needed showing off, so when I put my costume on for the first time, they ripped the side of it right up to under my ass. Costume designers have an eye for what your best asset is.

What’s the worst pickup line you’ve ever heard?

“Would you like a raisin?”
“Well, then how about a date?”

What’s been the sexiest part of the show for you?

Getting dirtied up after having my pretty makeup on. It just looks really sexy. I don’t know why. Apparently, dirty works.

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