Monday, 14 December 2009

Nudity And Sex Makes You Feel Dirty

Violence, sex and nudity - expect a double dose of it all when the raciest Underbelly series yet screens next year. Raunchy scenes will be the centrepiece for Underbelly: The Golden Mile, which revolves around the tales of three different characters. The 13-part series explores John Ibrahim's rise to become King of the Cross, the story of police corruption whistleblower Deborah Locke and former prostitute-turned-police trainee Kim Hollingsworth.

After four months acting out the cruel and harrowing life of Hollingsworth, actress Emma Booth will take a rest from the most exhausting role of her career. No prude when it comes to getting her gear off, Booth, who won an AFI for her performance in 2007 film Clubland, said showing off her assets for Underbelly had left her disgusted.

"Doing the nude scenes in this one has made me feel a little dirtier," the 27-year-old Perth-raised actress said. "Playing a prostitute has given me a new-found respect for prostitution because there are days I go home and just feel dirty. I think I've come to terms with the fact I do feel a bit violated in this role and that's fine because that is how she felt, so I just use it."

The rising star, who shed her clothes to play feminist Germaine Greer alongside British actress Sienna Miller in yet-to-be released film Hippie Hippie Shake, said playing Hollingsworth had consumed her life. "I don't cope with it really. It's hard to leave behind characters and she's going to be hard to shake," said Booth, who grabbed the attention of producers by doing a topless scene in her first audition tape.

"There are times when I feel completely dirty and and that's hard because it doesn't always feel comfortable and it doesn't always feel nice, especially when you're not feeling that great in your body. I go up and down with my weight so if I am having a great day great, but sometimes when you feel bloated it's horrible to have to do."

Underbelly: The Golden Mile is set in Kings Cross in 1989 where bent cops, criminals and colourful characters all converged to make their mark and ends with the 1995 Wood Royal Commission.

The Channel 9 drama is expected to return on Sunday nights at 8.30pm in March.
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Sunday, 13 December 2009

Californication S03E12

I think I'm sinking down...

Television Series: Californication (S03E12- Mia Culpa)
Release Date: December 2009
Actress: Eva Amurri
Video Clip Credit: Scoopy
Video Clip Info: DIVX (1280x720)

Eva Amurri
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Sunday, 6 December 2009

Californication S03E11

There's a good girl, off you go...

Television Series: Californication (S03E11- Comings and Goings)
Release Date: December 2009
Actress: Christina Ulloa
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Clip Info: DIVX (1280x720)

Christina Ulloa
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Sunday, 22 November 2009

How sex came of age on television

Rated TV-MA: How Sex Came of Age on Television
By Mr. Skin, Huffington Post

Sunday's 61st Primetime Emmy Awards saluted television's finest accomplishments this year, and it was a daunting task, to be sure -- but perhaps not in the way it seemed for most of the previous six decades.

For whereas FCC chairman Newton Minow famously declared the medium a "vast wasteland" all the way back in 1961, today's TV landscape has blossomed - here a Lost, there a Mad Men - to supersede movies as popular culture's premiere venue for, indeed, culture.

Or, as Newsweek noted: "Film has always been The Four Seasons to television's Motel 6. Not anymore."

Another way of looking at it is that TV long ruled as the "electronic babysitter", programmed to pacify while mom and dad enjoyed a night out at the theater.

Now television is what adults stay home to do while the tykes get their brains blown out by the latest CGI humungous at the multiplex.

TV has grown up and, as with all maturation processes, a lot of that has to do with sex.

Of course, sex has illuminated the boob tube -- pun, of course, intended -- probably since the first Miss America Pageant aired and most notoriously during the 1970s "jiggle TV" phenomenon of Three's Company and Charlie's Angels.

But consider that point of view -- leering, giggly, adolescent and, it seemed at the time, permanent.

By the 1980s, sitcom couples, married or otherwise, could share a bed (a hard-line taboo in the days of I Love Lucy and relegated from there to The Munsters and The Flintstones until, in the revolutionary year 1969, Mike and Carol snuggled a blow for liberation on The Brady Bunch).

Broadcast outlets kept sex in the background while pay cable channels such as HBO and Showtime put it sharply in the forefront, first with subscriber-baiting softcore concoctions such as The Hitchhiker and Red Shoe Diaries and, then, in the programs that have come to define the great mass-consumed art of the modern era.

You know: the ones that contain nudity.

Many cite HBO's 1999 debut The Sopranos as the genesis of this modern, previously unimaginable phenomenon. And it's certainly hard to argue against what that moment made possible: The Wire, Six Feet Under, Big Love, Damages, Entourage, In Treatment, Sons of Anarchy, and so on.

And in a clear case of competition proving to be a good thing, the networks followed suit with House, Grey's Anatomy, The Office, 30 Rock, Gossip Girl, etc.

Now think about the quality of Hollywood movies congruent with that same decade. We can even extend that challenge even to independent and foreign films.

Can you name one title that you'd group in the same league as those programs? Indeed, what was your last experience in a theater that moved you in a manner typical of what one can find these days with a remote control?

Has there been a suspense film as nerve-rattling as 24? A comedy as uproarious as Curb Your Enthusiasm? A police saga as intense as The Shield? A chiller as sardonic as Dexter?

As for the heady pleasures of on-screen sex and nudity, cinema is not the place to look. At least not at those prices! So let's follow the money.

Observers point out that big-screen movies cost so much that studios dare not diminish the size of the largest possible (paying) audience. Television, by contrast, can afford to take risks. It can fund creative visionaries (Aaron Sorkin, David Milch, Denis Leary) and their often palpably adult visions (The West Wing, Deadwood, Rescue Me).

In the event of failure -- which almost all TV shows prove to be -- reality programming saves the day and keeps the machine fueled, literally, by cheap thrills.

Another issue arises as to what it precisely is, then, for which we wish to pay.

Movie-going today is very often about experiencing sensory overload: astounding visuals and gut-shaking sound-effects that are not possible on even the most elaborate of home theaters. Explosions and mechanical mayhem have supplanted plot and character at the movies and, thus, the simple art of storytelling has moved into living rooms (and bedrooms).

And where plots develop and characters grow, sex happens (particularly when there are no giant robots rampaging in the way).

Underlying all this is that all on-camera erotic entertainment -- from hardcore porn to Baywatch -- has been automatically consumed at-home since advent of the VCR a quarter-century ago.

Just compare the prospect of paying to view a fleeting nude scene in public, surrounded by strangers, to the same opportunity at home, behind a closed door, with fast-forward, pause, and rewind buttons.

Nudity is no longer a draw at the box office, but it does remain a tantalizing sales-point when a customer considers making the leap from basic to premium cable.

As such, naked vampires on True Blood will grab more eyeballs (and dollars) than any equivalent playing at a theater, even if Kate Beckinsale were to lose her leather catsuit in those Underworld movies.

This circumstance also indicates why the film Powder Blue (2009) - which contains the debut nude scene of universally lusted-after A-lister Jessica Biel -- just barely warranted a theatrical release in three small markets, and why it is guaranteed to run on cable in perpetuity.

Had the former TV sweetheart of Seventh Heaven deigned to first bare flesh on an episode of Entourage, for example, her revelation would have generated record ratings and word-of-mouth on par with, say, Sharon Stone's leg-crossing in Basic Instinct from all the way back in the olden days of 1992.

In time, TV nudity will doubtlessly be supplanted by technology that may very well beam images of unclothed starlets directly into our brains.

But that's then. TV is now. And it is the height of what's hot to remain tuned in and turned on.
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Californication S03E08

Wake up, sleepy head...

Television Series: Californication (S03E04- Zoso)
Release Date: September 2009
Actress: Eva Amurri, Bridgetta Tomarchio & Alyssa LeBlanc
Video Clip Credit: Vidman
Video Clip Info: XVID (1280x720)

Eva Amurri, Bridgetta Tomarchio & Alyssa LeBlanc
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Friday, 20 November 2009

Misfits S01E02

Do you always pull that face when you have an orgasm?

Television Series: Misfits (S01E02)
Release Date: November 2009
Actress: Amy Beth Hayes
Video Clip Credit: In The Best Possible Taste
Video Clip Info: [36.3MB for 3m 17s]
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Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Californication S03E05

The best; you've got a great cock...

Television Series: Californication (S03E05- Slow Happy Boys)
Release Date: October 2009
Actress: Eva Amurri
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Clip Info: H264 (1280x720)

Eva Amurri

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Thursday, 12 November 2009

Californication S03E04

Making the most of what I got while I still got it...

Television Series: Californication (S03E04- Zoso)
Release Date: September 2009
Actress: Eva Amurri
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Clip Info: H264 (1280x720; 3 Clips includes slo-mo and short version-68 MB)

Eva Amurri
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Thursday, 5 November 2009

Californication S03E03

That is a prime example of what's wrong with the younger generation today; you leave nothing to the imagination...

Television Series: Californication (S03E03- Verities & Balderdash )
Release Date: September 2009
Actress: Eva Amurri
Video Clip Credit: Maverick

Eva Amurri
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Monday, 2 November 2009

Californication S03E01

Did you just fall asleep?...

Television Series: Californication (S03E01- Wish You Were Here)
Release Date: September 2009
Actress: Kristine Blackport
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea

Kristine Blackport
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Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Shameless S06E12

Wanking material for perverts is not a career...

Sarah Byrne has banned her big brother from watching this series of Shameless because she flashes her boobs a lot. The 19-year-old spends most of series 6 of the controversial drama with her top off after her character Meena Karib becomes a glamour model. During filming, embarrassed Sarah had to undress while 20 production staff watched her co-star Nicky Evans grope her breasts.

But the Manchester lass wouldn’t let her older brother and mum’s boyfriend watch – placing a strict no-boobs policy on them both. "My mum is actually fine about it," she laughs. "She knows I’m acting and is quite open-minded. It’s my brother I don’t want to watch it. I go topless quite a bit in this series and I don’t want my 28-year-old brother seeing my boobs. Or my mum’s partner, for that matter. I’m going to have to ban them from watching – maybe make it a girls-only evening!"

Minx Meena becomes more of a central character this year when she moves out of Yvonne’s home and into Lillian’s brothel. She said: "At first I was nervous about taking my top off on set but you get used to it. At the end of the day, it’s only acting and they are just boobs. Though I did feel really weird when Nicky was feeling my boobs and about 20 production staff were all stood around staring at me."

Sarah admitted she got off lightly compared to her co-stars. "I’m lucky, really, because I haven’t had a sex scene yet," she joked. "Though I know it’s coming. Everyone else is banging away all the time. There’s more sex than a porno! Every time I read the script I think, ‘Is this when it’s going to happen?’"

And while single Sarah is happy without a man in real life, she’d like a boyfriend on screen. She said: "Being single is so much easier when you film Shameless. You don’t have to keep ringing your boyfriend to tell him you’re getting your boobs out or having to snog someone."

Television Series: Shameless (S06E12)
Release Date: April 2009
Actress: Sarah Byrne
Video Clip Credit: In The Best Possible Taste

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Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Explicit sex returns to TV

Explicit sex scenes are in vogue again on TV, with new series such as True Blood — and this time women are calling the shots, writes Andrew Billen.

When was it that I realised that Percy Filth — as Jack Rosenthal’s sitcom The Lovers called sex around the time that television invented it — had made a return to the box?

Was it in the early minutes of Rome four years ago when Polly Walker as the voluptuous Atia energetically turned a freeman into her sex slave? Was it two years later when Californication debuted with a nun performing oral sex on David Duchovny? Or was it during this summer’s run of Desperate Romantics , a riskily unstuffy drama about the Pre-Raphaelites that required its actors, in the interests of historical authenticity, to agree to wear pubic hair wigs?

Actually, I think it was in August in Midsomer Murders. Detective Constable Jones became transfixed by an undraped model at a modelling class, and so did the camera. Objectors would have got short shrift. Within weeks Ofcom, television’s regulator, had rejected 37 complaints attracted by nudity on a Channel 4 programme called Life Class, and that went out at 12.30pm. But if Midsomer Murders, the darling of Middle England, was casually showing naked breasts before the watershed then truly had television exorcised the spirit of Mary Whitehouse.

Let me be frank. I was a child of the Sixties, which made me an adolescent of the Seventies. I may have now reached the age when I want to fast-forward sex scenes to get back to the plot, but bliss was it in that dawn to be male and pubescent. Sex was saturating the culture. Sitcoms such as The Lovers tittered about it (pre-marital sex was the joke), documentaries agonised over it, American imports such as Charlie’s Angels traded on it, but the canny British teenager knew where to find it: on native drama productions shortly after the bewitching hour of 9pm.

Sometimes the female nudity — and it was always female in those days — was more or less integral. Few upmarket viewers in 1976 thought any less of I, Claudius for its nude scenes. You would not have had to be Dennis Potter (although it actually was) to write sex into Casanova in 1971. You might even argue that ITV’s tale of family incest Bouquet of Barbed Wire, described by Clive James as “The House of Atreus transferred to Peyton Place”, demanded more nudity than it actually got — years later the columnist Richard Littlejohn confidently averred Susan Penhaligon had taken her kit off, forcing her to protest, flattered, that she hadn’t. But what of the 1972 intelligent supernatural thriller The Stone Tape? Why 80 minutes in, did a breast poke from a dressing gown worn by an actress who was not even credited?

This may have been the era of clean-up TV campaigns, but deep within the cocoon of television, Kenith Trodd, who produced some of its most memorable and sexiest plays, recalls fighting very few battles about sexual explicitness, aside from the hard case of Dennis Potter’s Brimstone and Treacle in which a disabled woman was raped. He does recall receiving a note from a suit regarding Dennis Potter’s Pennies from Heaven that read: “Please cut Eileen’s tits and all of Bob [Hoskins]’s cock.” “But I suppose what I am saying is that it came down not so much to policy as to individual quirks when dealing with sex.”

In 1989, however, a Potter series (not, after a falling out, produced by Trodd) delivered such an orgy of misogynistic sex that it provoked a rapid detumescence in television drama. Blackeyes told the story of an elderly male novelist making a lurid sexual fantasy out of his niece’s life. “His motives on Blackeyes were to speak up apologetically for all men,” Trodd recalls, “and he got it wrong. There was a discussion programme, some residue of Late Night Line-Up, after the first episode where everyone extolled it. But by the second, the feministic voices had got their act together and realised it was not friendly to them.”

Percy Filth did not suddenly cower and disappear. In 1990 A Sense of Guilt by Andrea Newman, the writer of Bouquet of Barbed Wire, required the very young actress Rudi Davies (who later left the business) to strip in front of a much older man (Trevor Eve, who did not). Two years later, The Camomile Lawn, directed by Peter Hall, featured Jennifer Ehle in a remarkably nude lovemaking scene. The same year Between the Lines, a gritty series about police corruption, rapidly earned the nickname “Between the Loins”.

It was quite a way to go out and the three series showed how sex bestrode the dramatic range: an upmarket soap, a historical saga and a piece of social realism (realism has always claimed nudity as a credential). But thereafter, there was less and less female flesh for the adolescent to admire.

Professor Jonathan Bignell, in An Introduction to Television Studies, notes that “although it had become common to discuss sexual activity in current affairs, documentary and other public service discussion genres, the dramatic representation of sexual activity had become increasingly self-censored by broadcasters as a result of the Aids crisis”. Television became as scared of sex as everyone else. The adaptor Andrew Davies earned in those years a reputation for slipping sex into the classics, but the sexual content of his Pride and Prejudice was actually confined to Colin Firth’s damp shirt. For Jennifer Ehle as Elizabeth there would be no romps on a lawn, camomile or otherwise.

There was explicit sex on TV but to make sure of finding it you had to buy a satellite dish or wait for the arrival of Channel 5 and its avowed early policy of showing “films, fucking and football”. On the main channels you were more likely to see a nude female stretched out cold on a mortician’s block than warming a bed. What that said about the period was a cause for concern all by itself. Inspired by the big screen’s hip new purveyors of violence such as Quentin Tarantino and Guy Ritchie, television thrillers from Prime Suspect and Cracker on, became increasingly bloody and explicit. Gore replaced groping.

Meanwhile, internal structures were changing in TV, leaving programme-makers with less autonomy and more bureaucracy, the management method that likes to say no. Trodd recalls that by the mid-Nineties he would go to a script meeting with the late Mark Shivas, Head of BBC Drama, and find an assistant head of drama sitting there too — “and what she was doing there was to try and second-guess and pre-guess what we were up to”.

It would, more and more, be a she. And here we reach a paradox. The first wave of women television executives frowned on their sex being exploited by middle-aged male writers. They are now in charge — and the corsets are being thrown off once more. Hilary Salmon, of the BBC, executive producer of Desperate Romantics, explains: “We are all women now and we can do what we like. We closed the male toilets on this floor! I just don’t think we have to wave flags about where we stand on these issues. There is a shared sensibility.”

Salmon believes that it is The Line of Beauty , made in 2006, that really demonstrates the change between sexual explicitness then and now. “The sex in it is very explicit and between men. We did think very carefully before showing men having sex in the park but we felt it was important to show it quite explicitly because the book and the adaptation took the view that homosexual sex was as natural as heterosexual sex.” One of four female producers on the serial, Salmon notes it was a long way from the day when as a junior programme-maker she rowed with Charles Denton, then Head of BBC Drama, over his opinion (probably correct at the time) that full-frontal female nudity was acceptable to audiences but full-frontal male was not.

So when it came to Desperate Romantics this summer, there was considerable freedom for a male writer, Peter Bowker, and a male director, Paul Gay, to produce explicit sex scenes. “We had,” Gay says, “many discussions about not wanting to make a dry, dusty period drama and to make it sexy and contemporary, fun and playful.” Far from there being no-nudity clauses in the actors’ contract, it was made clear during casting that full-frontal nudity might be required, although merkins would be provided, where necessary, to ensure pubic authenticity. The fair-share of filth policy resulted in an upmarket audience led by women.

But this autumn the surest way to see sexual explicitness is to watch imported American shows such as Californication, The Tudors and, a newcomer, True Blood, starting tomorrow on Channel 4 after its run on FX. Much more sexy than scary, its star Anna Paquin, who plays the telepathic waitress Sookie Stackhouse, is regularly to be seen in hot sex scenes, which are then posted on the net. After decades in which American television, fearful of the Bible Belt and advertisers’ sensibilities, was our prudish cousin, the arrival of HBO changed everything. Indeed, even the most ardent admirer of The Sopranos might wonder why quite so many scenes were established with shots of topless pole dancers at the Bada Bing. Equally, the revered men who made The Wire displayed a strong preference for nude scenes featuring top-heavy young actresses. The influence of the mores of these prestigious cult dramas on British directors should not be underestimated.

And the fact is that if they show it, we are unlikely to complain. Research for Ofcom in 2005 concluded that sexual imagery was less of a worry to viewers than explicit language and nudity, per se, was no longer a concern at all. “While there is some concern about the prevalence of sexual imagery, particularly with regard to children, many regard it as a sign of a more open and tolerant society,” it reported.

Cynicism is an issue for us all. Executives know sex reaches those elusive young viewers (look at the early nude locker-room scenes in Skins). It is also true, as Ofcom also found, that older viewers can still be upset. When I recently wrote in a television review that I would be campaigning for more sex on television, an older reader wrote to me: “I feel that I am being made a compulsory voyeur, so I tend to close my eyes until the grunting is over.”

But although I am probably nearer my correspondent’s age than the Skins demographic I disagree. It seems to me that for once television is moving in the right direction, away from gratuitous violence and towards a more relaxed, more continental and less sexist attitude to one of the most pleasurable facts of life. That naked artist’s model in Midsomer? She attracted a solitary complaint to Ofcom. Quite right too. Long live Percy Filth, I say.
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Friday, 2 October 2009

The Tudors S03E08

I left her as good a maid as I found her...

Television Series: Tudors (S03E08- The Undoing of Cromwell)
Release Date: May 2009
Actress: Tamzin Merchant
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
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Wednesday, 30 September 2009

The Tudors S03E06

I've just been fucked by the Pope...

Television Series: Tudors (S03E06- Search for a New Queen)
Release Date: May 2009
Actress: Emma Hamilton
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
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Monday, 21 September 2009

The Tudors S03E05

Fornication is to follow the devil willingly into the mouth of hell...

Television Series: Tudors (S03E05- Problems in the Reformation)
Release Date: May 2009
Actress: Charlotte Salt
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
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Monday, 14 September 2009

The Tudors S03E03

That was quite entertaining...

Television Series: Tudors (S03E03- Dissension and Punishment)
Release Date: April 2009
Actress: Charlotte Salt & Emma Hamilton
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Clip Info: [DIVX;1280x720]

Charlotte Salt

Emma Hamilton

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Saturday, 5 September 2009

The Tudors S03E01

She would kindle your lust even higher with one touch...

Television Series: Tudors (S03E01- Civil Unrest)
Release Date: April 2009
Actress: Charlotte Salt
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
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True Blood S01E09

First, we have to thank the vampire for the gifts that he's bestowed upon us...

Television Series: True Blood (S01E09- Plaisir d'amour)
Release Date: November 2008
Actress: Lizzy Caplan
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Detail: (hd720p at 5889 Kbps; 48Mio for 1mn06s; 1280 x 720 (16/9) at 23,976 fps)
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Saturday, 29 August 2009

True Blood S01E08

It felt like the whole world came together...

Television Series: True Blood (S01E08- The Fourth Man in the Fire)
Release Date: October 2008
Actress: Anna Paquin & Lizzy Caplan
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Detail: (hd720p at 5965 Kbps; 1280 x 720 (16/9) at 23,976 fps)

Anna Paquin

Lizzy Caplan
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Saturday, 22 August 2009

True Blood S01E07

Lizzy Caplan makes her spectacular True Blood entrance in this episode. She plays Amy, a sociopathic earth mother and vegan who’s addicted to vampire blood (“V”). A good bit of Amy’s storyline involves the enhanced sex made possible by V, so Caplan spends much of her on-camera time sans clothes. Here are her thoughts on vamp blood, the right way to kiss and showing her boobs on TV...

So how's it going on "True Blood"?
The best thing about it is that it's really really different from anything else that I've ever done, ever. Girls that speak in metaphors about the Earth and shit I'm equally as annoyed by them as anybody else, so it's especially weird to play that.

What's up with all the nudity?
I've never done nudity before so it is kind of traumatic to do it, but after the first time it was like 'Oh, this is not bad at all.' Then I realized, 'Oh, fuck, this is gonna be on television. And people are gonna see this. Jesus.' So it was a little scary but I think I'm kind of over it now. I'm glad I did it. "It was sort of a moment of invincibility like 'Oh, shit, I can pull this off. It's fine.'

Are you worried people are going to approach you and be like "Hi, I've seen your boobs?"
I really have never been cast in a role like this so I'm kind of unprepared for what it may yield. I guess the strange thing is my friend's fathers are watching this. That's gotta be weird. My father is adorable and he called me last night and was like, "Is this an episode that I can watch?" and I was like, 'No, Dad, you do not want to watch this.' He's super uncomfortable. We kind of tiptoe around the issue.

Is it strange to have weirdo creeps like us ogling you on the Internet?
It seems to be complimentary so I guess that's alright. I think if people were saying really nasty shit about me I would probably lock myself in the closet. I haven't really dug too deep into the message boards because I know I'll just find one comment that's mean and I'll cry.

Is it weird to shoot the sex scenes?
It's surprisingly fun, actually. You'd think you'd feel awkward because there's just a bunch of dudes standing around watching. But it's this weirdly liberating thing. It's preposterous that you show up and you're in a room full of people watching you simulate sex.

What makes a good makeout scene?
I always think it's totally bizarre when you're in your 20s or older and you haven't figured out how to kiss properly. I guess the basic no-no is you don't do the stabby tongue and you don't do the hard tongue. It's shocking when that happens. I want to be like are you kidding? Or are you for real?

What real drug do you think doing vamp blood is like?
I think that the most accurate thing would be like ecstasy with like mushrooms maybe. You definitely see a lot of crazy shit but very ecstasy-based.

Television Series: True Blood (S01E07- Burning House of Love)
Release Date: October 2008
Actress: Anna Paquin & Lizzy Caplan
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Detail: (hd720p at 6020 Kbps; 1280 x 720 (16/9) at 23,976 fps)

Anna Paquin

Lizzy Caplan
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Tuesday, 18 August 2009

That's Amurri!

That's Amurri!
By Irina Aleksander, New York Observer

Susan Sarandon’s memorable cinematic nude scenes include Pretty Baby (1978), in which she licks her finger and touches her breasts; The Hunger (1983), in which she has a lesbian love affair with Catherine Deneuve; Bull Durham (1988), in which she has sex with Kevin Costner; and White Palace (1990), in which she plays James Spader’s seductress.

Ms. Sarandon’s daughter, Eva Amurri, who is 24 and also an actress, will appear nude for the first time during the third season of Californication, opposite the 49-year-old David Duchovny; the new season premieres on Sept. 27. Ms. Amurri’s character will be in a nine-episode arc as one of Mr. Duchovny’s writing students, who, he later discovers, is also a stripper.

“During the audition, Tom Kapinos [the creator] was like, ‘So! She’s a stripper. Do you, like, feel comfortable with that?’” Ms. Amurri told the Transom recently by phone from Los Angeles. (She has an apartment in the West Village but is moving to the opposite coast at the end of the month.) She was, indeed, comfortable.

Was the creator nervous about having to answer to her strong-willed mother?

“No, I don’t think so,” replied Ms. Amurri, who has her mother’s large brown eyes and elevated cheekbones. “If you thought about everyone’s mom all the time, I don’t think anybody would get anything done in this business, that’s for sure.”

To prepare, Ms. Amurri, who graduated with a degree in Italian studies from Brown—her father is Italian director Franco Amurri—took pole-dancing classes at S Factor in Los Angeles. She learned lap dances, upside-down and sideways pole tricks, and how to climb the pole and spin around.

“I have such a respect now for women who do this. It’s very athletic, I mean, they’re athletes!” she said. “It was so hard and so painful. It’s like getting rug-burn, but a pole burn on your thighs. I had so many bruises. Eventually, I started wearing knee pads to rehearsals.”

When Ms. Sarandon came to visit her daughter in Los Angeles, she accompanied her to a few classes.

“We didn’t, like, do it together, although I’m sure that’s a nice visual for people,” Ms. Amurri said. “She came and she tried a little bit and she was a really great sport and awesome at it. She tried some simple stuff. But nothing like …”

Like pole-climbing? “Oh, no, no, no.”

Seemingly taking after her mother, Ms. Amurri said she’s comfortable with herself and didn’t hesitate taking the role.

“You basically see boobs and butt. It’s the same as you would see on a European beach. It’s nothing scandalous,” she said. “It’s just in our country everyone gets so worked up about everything like that.”

Also: “Men are naked as much as the women are on that show, which I really like. If you’re going to be naked, at least it’s equal-opportunity nudity,” Ms. Amurri said. “And you know, I’m 24. If I’m going to be naked anywhere, I should really do it sooner rather than later. It’s pretty much as good as it’s going to get.”

Her parents are obviously fine with it. But her younger half-brothers, Jack, 20, and Miles, 17 (sons of Ms. Sarandon’s current partner, Tim Robbins), are not so thrilled.

“My brothers want to kill me,” Ms. Amurri said. “They’re mad that their friends will be able to see me topless. But I’m not nude in every single scene, so I told them I would give them a list of the ones they can watch comfortably.”
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Saturday, 15 August 2009

True Blood S01E06

Is something wrong?...

Television Series: True Blood (S01E06- Cold Ground)
Release Date: October 2008
Actress: Anna Paquin
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Detail: (DivX 5 at 4890Kbps; 21,8Mio for 36s)
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Monday, 10 August 2009

True Blood S01E03

It feels like you're the one that I'm, you know, supposed to do it with...

Television Series: True Blood (S01E03- Mine)
Release Date: September 2008
Actress: Anna Paquin & Lynn Collins
Video Clip Credit: UNS

Anna Paquin

Lynn Collins

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Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Weeds S04E13

Mary-Louise Parker has always been fine with the sex scenes in her role as Nancy Botwin, a marijuana-selling suburban mom in the Showtime series Weeds, but she thinks that the following nude scene took things a little too far. "I didn't think I needed to be naked," she told MORE magazine. She’d been happy with the series’ wildly erotic sex scenes, she says, but the shot in the bathtub in which the camera lingered on her breasts seemed intended to titillate. "I fought with the director about it, and now I’m bitter," she says. "I knew it was going to be on the Internet: ‘Mary Louise shows off her big nipples.’ I wish I hadn’t done that. I was goaded into it."

Weeds’ co-executive producer, Roberto Benabib, defends the moment, saying that the nudity was necessary to convey the character's vulnerability. "We felt at that point in her life, her defenses had been so thoroughly stripped away, there was a nonchalance to the nudity that informed the scene," he says. "I thought it was wonderful, one of the five best scenes Mary-Louise has ever done [on Weeds]."

Television Series: Weeds (S04E013- If You Work for a Living, Then Why Do You Kill Yourself Working?)
Release Date: September 2008
Actress: Mary-Louise Parker
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Clip Info: [hd720p at 4392 Kbps; 1280 x 720; 8Mio for 15s]
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Tuesday, 4 August 2009

The Tudors S02E07

Natalie Dormer, 24, played Anne Boleyn in the recent bodice-ripping drama, The Tudors, where she faced several sex scenes with co-star Jonathan Rhys Meyers. This marked Natalie’s first big break in her acting career, although she previously appeared in Casanova and Rebus.

What was working with Jonathan Rhys Meyers like?
He’s incredibly intense and he radiates a profound energy that can be used to incredibly charismatic effect. It’s his gift and a cross he bears. He is 110 per cent committed to his work and people don’t realise how intelligent he is. He’s also a very generous actor to work with. When I started, I was very inexperienced and he takes good care of his co-stars.

Were the sex scenes embarrassing for you?
Taking your clothes off in front of a film crew, even on a closed set, is completely harrowing. Anyone can sympathise with that situation. You find the motivation for it in your head. With Henry and Anne, you’re talking about an intense love affair. In my experience, intense love affairs result in taking your clothes off. It’s about justifying it through characterisation.

Television Series: Tudors (S02E07- Matters of State)
Release Date: May 2008
Actress: Natalie Dormer
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids
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Monday, 27 July 2009

The Tudors S02E05

Are you really thinking of England...

Television Series: Tudors (S02E05- His Majesty's Pleasure)
Release Date: April 2008
Actress: Katie McGrath
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids
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Tuesday, 21 July 2009

The Tudors S02E03

That's my first move...

Television Series: Tudors (S02E03- Checkmate)
Release Date: April 2008
Actress: Andrea Lowe
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids
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Saturday, 18 July 2009

Weeds S04E08

Break a leg? Not exactly. But theatre vet Mary-Louise Parker was nursing a broken toe after filming the following sex scene. "I smashed it on the bed frame," she told People at the after party, where she remained seated in her Alberta Ferretti gown. "Good for me, right?"

Alas, it was no real-life romp. The actress injured herself while shooting a scene from Weeds. "How's that for commitment?" she mused. "Fantastic!" And yes, her director used the, um, footage. "They kind of had to," explained Parker. "It was the first take!"

Television Series: Weeds (S04E08- I Am The Table)
Release Date: August 2008
Actress: Mary-Louise Parker
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Clip Info: [hd720p at 5888 Kbps; 1280 x 720; 43Mio for 1mn]
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Tuesday, 14 July 2009

The Tudors S02E02

Let me conceive...

Television Series: Tudors (S02E02- Tears of Blood)
Release Date: April 2008
Actress: Krystin Pellerin & Natalie Dormer
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids

Krystin Pellerin

Natalie Dormer
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Saturday, 11 July 2009

Weeds S04E07

The lady is leaving...

Television Series: Weeds (S04E07- Yes I Can)
Release Date: July 2008
Actress: Mary-Louise Parker
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Clip Info: [DivX 5 at 4907Kbps; 1280 x 720; 25,7Mio for 42s]
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Thursday, 9 July 2009

The Tudors S02E01

Oh sun, go away...

Television Series: Tudors (S02E01- Everything is Beautiful)
Release Date: March 2008
Actress: Natalie Dormer & Rebekah Wainwright
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids

Natalie Dormer

Rebekah Wainwright
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Monday, 22 June 2009

The Tudors S01E10

Perhaps you can imagine a way to keep his interest more prolonged...

Television Series: Tudors (S01E10- The Death of Wolsey)
Release Date: June 2007
Actress: Natalie Dormer
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids
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Saturday, 13 June 2009

The Tudors S01E08

On a piece of ribbon, hidden somewhere...

Television Series: Tudors (S01E08- Truth and Justice)
Release Date: May 2007
Actress: Natalie Dormer
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids
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Friday, 5 June 2009

The Tudors S01E07

Isn't it the best way to work up a sweat?...

Television Series: Tudors (S01E07- Message to the Emperor)
Release Date: May 2007
Actress: Amy Joyce Hastings
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids
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Thursday, 28 May 2009

The Tudors S01E05

I lay claim to your maiden head...

Television Series: Tudors (S01E05- Arise, My Lord)
Release Date: April 2007
Actress: Gabrielle Anwar & Natalie Dormer
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids

Gabrielle Anwar

Natalie Dormer

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Wednesday, 27 May 2009

How Hung Is He?

How hung is he? asks Newsweek's Caryn James, who embraces HBO's saucy new comedy about an exceptionally well-endowed man...

We never see the humongous dick that gives HBO’s wry new comedy series Hung its title. But why would we, when this show about a financially strapped high-school coach who becomes a prostitute is—like prostitution itself—more about money than sex? In this upscale comedy about downward mobility, our whore and hero is Ray (Thomas Jane), who is not only an underpaid basketball coach, but underpaid in Detroit, a city in the avant-garde of the national economic slump. Ray’s bitter wife (Anne Heche) has left him for a dermatologist, and his two teenaged kids live with him—that is, until the house burns down and he ends up sleeping in a tent. How low can a former high-school jock go? Apparently low enough to sell the only talent he has left: his remarkable penis.

How low can a former high-school jock go? Apparently low enough to sell the only talent he has left: his remarkable penis. This sounds a like a premise for the tackiest show around, but Hung (premiering tonight) lives up to its super-smart, droll pedigree. It was created by Dmitry Lipkin (who also created the underappreciated The Riches) and Colette Burson, and the pilot was directed by Alexander Payne ( Sideways, Election). The Riches, with Eddie Izzard and Minnie Driver as con artists living in a McMansion, was about reaching the high end of the American Dream. Hung deals with the now-timelier idea of trying to keep your head above water in a killer economy while wondering how the hell you became such a loser.

Strangely, the results are funny and never depressing. Maybe the series seems cheerful because even the most 401K-poor viewers can say, “At least I’m not a hooker.” (And: “At least I can still pay for HBO.”) But the show also feels breezy because beneath its blunt language and dry wit (and they make all the difference), Hung is about everyday decent people, and about as wholesome as Pretty Woman.

There’s definitely sex and nudity, even if we don’t see the title player; almost seeing Ray’s penis, masked by sheets and cautious camera angles, becomes a self-consciously playful tease. But the show is really driven by the Tracy-and-Hepburnish relationship between Ray and his unlikely pimp, Tanya (Jane Adams, who practically steals the series). Tanya is a frizzy-haired poet who loathes her day job temping for a law firm, and her exit strategy is to market Ray. She’s also the person who accidentally gave him the idea for a second career by yelling “You’re so big” during their quick fling, before she started berating him about his insensitivity to women’s feelings. (Her frequent lectures about how to treat women are the most strained aspects of the writing.)

Because Ray and Tanya are played by two of the least glam, most ordinary-looking actors around, it seems comically absurd for them to choose the sex trade as their bright idea. And while we can feel the sexual chemistry come through their now-Platonic partnership, they hardly notice anymore because they’re too busy squabbling. Tanya calls Ray a misogynist and he screams back, mocking her advertising slogan, “‘Happiness consultant’? Viral marketing? You are the worst pimp in the world!”

This coach-whore and poet-pimp are part of the mainstreaming of porn and prostitution as themes, in films that never mimic their subject. Steven Soderbergh’s recent, arty The Girlfriend Experience, with real-life porn star Sasha Grey playing an expensive escort, was so thoroughly about money that it had no sex scenes at all. Hung is not the first comedy to see sex as a fallback career, either. Kevin Smith’s Zack and Miri Make a Porno, with Seth Rogen and Elizabeth Banks as penniless best friends who hope to earn the rent money with an amateur sex film, is a romantic comedy that spoofs the very idea of porn. ( Zack and Miri tanked at the box office last year but its mock-porn films-within-the-film are genuinely funny, worth catching on DVD.) And nothing is more mainstream than those sleazy-funny late-night commercials for male-enhancement products, so off the FDA’s radar they don’t even come with side-effect warnings.

None of these recent movies has become a blockbuster, or a cult favorite like 1997’s Boogie Nights, with Mark Wahlberg and his prosthetic penis playing porn actor Dirk Diggler. But the world is changing. In olden days, women insisted that size didn’t matter, while sharing the unspoken sisterly agreement: That’s our story, we’re sticking to it. The shrewd, amusing Hung may signal changes way beyond the economy.
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Tuesday, 19 May 2009

The Tudors S01E04

I want you to leave...

Television Series: Tudors (S01E04- His Majesty, the King)
Release Date: April 2007
Actress: Gabrielle Anwar
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids
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Sunday, 17 May 2009

HBO's Penis Envy

In "Impossible to Tell," former poet laureate Robert Pinsky refers to "the rude, full-scale joke, impossible to tell in writing." Hung, a new HBO dramedy, is that kind of rude, full-scale joke, thinks Joshua Alston. It stars Thomas Jane as Ray Drecker, a high-school basketball coach with the luck of Job: his wife leaves him for a smug dermatologist. (Anne Heche plays said wife as such a brittle, overbearing person that it seems Ray caught a break, but in voice-over, he tells us this is a bad thing.) The lakefront home he grew up in burns down, and as he has no insurance, he ends up living in a tent on the lawn. Penniless and powerless, he colludes with Tanya (the invaluable Jane Adams), a woman he meets in a class on how to get rich by marketing yourself, to market the only thing he has left: his gigantic penis. Don't feel bad if you didn't anticipate this based on the title. It could have been about an art gallery.

Hung is born of the simplest kind of substitution humor, in which a familiar situation has an unfamiliar variable introduced to it. A woman who finds herself in dire straits, forced to sell her body, isn't terribly funny. Neither are gay hustlers, who are usually tragic characters too. Swap in a rakish, middle-aged straight man and comic high jinks ensue. After all, a straight hustler is doing what we, societally, would expect a straight man to be doing anyway.

He's having indiscriminate sex with women, and he's using money goggles instead of beer goggles to get the job done. And truthfully, men do seem preoccupied with the notion of being paid for sex, if Google is any indication. A search for how to become a male porn star yields nearly 1.5 million hits. Meanwhile, there are a paltry 200,000 hits for how to become a beer taster, a job just as enviable but much more paunch-friendly.

This sex-starved stereotype of straight men is reinforced in the world of Hung in which prostitution truly is a victimless crime. The dramatic tension doesn't come from Ray's inner turmoil about what he's doing. Instead, the show uses prostitution to explore the same theme other racy cable series explore with murder (Dexter) and drugs (Breaking Bad, Weeds)—the care and feeding of a double life. When Showtime debuted its series Secret Diary of a Call Girl, some critics complained that Hannah (Billie Piper), driven to her profession by choice rather than circumstance, was too glossy and charmed for a prostitute. Ray's situation is the opposite—he's stumbling clumsily into the world's oldest profession—which is what makes Hung work, when it does work.

Based on the first four episodes, the rude, full-scale joke on display in Hung doesn't seem much easier to execute onscreen than it does in writing. For one, our collective aversion to male frontal nudity means the show has to be coy about Ray's "gift." Regardless of our actual interest in it, Ray's penis becomes like Charlie, the disembodied voice of Charlie's Angels: the longer it's concealed, the more we'll wonder what the fuss is all about. Hung boasts an intriguing premise for a series, but so far it's burnt around the edges and raw in the center, neither as funny nor as serious as it should be. Who knows, though? It could be a grower.
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Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Dexter S0108

I don't know what I've been so afraid of...

Television Series: Dexter (S01E08- Shrink Wrap)
Release Date: November 2006
Actress: Julie Benz
Video Clip Credit: LC

Julie Benz
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Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Sexism- the Final Frontier

"Spock, the women on your planet are logical. That's the only planet in this galaxy can make that claim." -- Captain James T. Kirk

Despite the progressiveness of the Star Trek franchise, with a multi-racial cast, with its optimistic view of the future of humankind, one of the gripes about the Classic series was the way it portrayed women, writes Nik Leshi in City of Kik. There definitely was some 1960s sexism on display, from the mini-skirted outfits to Captain Kirk's lothario persona who unabashedly chased those mini-skirts in virtually every episode.

Kirk's womanizing personality was actually a humanizing trait for the character and it led to some great stories, including his out-of-wedlock son in the movies The Wrath of Khan and The Search for Spock. And the revealing outfits can be explained by changing fashions every generation. Who is to say that the future won't see women embracing clothes that show off their feminine charms without it being seen as a subjugation to the whims of man?

The part that does hold some merit in the criticism is the way female characters were portrayed -- communications officers, nurses, assistants, concubines. No security personnel were women. All the major roles, from science officer, to ship's doctor, to navigator, to engineer were portrayed by men. It took decades for the franchise to finally show its first woman starship captain in the otherwise forgettable series Star Trek Voyager (and that series had to include Seven of Nine, a Borg sexpot; not that I'm complaining.)

Let me give creator Gene Roddenberry credit: he wanted to show women as authority figures and not as sexist cliches. In the first Trek pilot, he cast his wife Majel Barrett as "Number One," Captain Christopher Pike's right-hand officer and second-in-command of the U.S.S. Enterprise, but one of the reasons the network rejected the show at the time was the now-laughable-and-insulting critique that television audiences weren't ready to accept a woman in such a position of power. (Network honchos also criticized the "guy with the ears" but luckily Roddenberry stuck to his guns and kept Leonard Nimoy in the role of the half-human half-Vulcan Mr. Spock.)

Despite having to satisfy the biases of network executives, Star Trek still provided some great moments for women. Many people mention Lt. Uhura played by Nichelle Nichols as an inspiration. Other strong female roles appeared in the 1960s series, including Joan Collins as Edith Keeler in "City on the Edge of Forever," Mariette Hartley as Zarabeth in "All Our Yesterdays," and Diana Muldaur as Dr. Miranda Jones in "Is There in Truth No Beauty?" (she also starred as a different but equally compelling character in the episode "Return to Tomorrow" and played the ship's doctor Pulaski for one season of Star Trek: The Next Generation.)

Even the smaller female roles left a great mark on the series. I was disappointed that two of my favorites didn't appear in the new Star Trek movie: Nurse Chapel and Yeoman Rand (although Dr. McCoy does call out for Nurse Chapel in the film.)

Yeoman Rand was a key character at the beginning of the first season of the original Trek. Unfortunately, they wrote her out of the series, probably since they were building up her romantic relationship with Kirk and they didn't want to tie the character down to a single love interest.

Nurse Chapel (also played by Majel Barrett, who also voiced the ship's computer) had some strong moments in the first series, particularly in the episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of" in which she finds her lost fiance Dr. Roger Korby on a planet building androids. The most intriguing part of the character was her subtle yet profound attraction for Mr. Spock which revealed itself in a number of episodes. I was hoping this might be explored in the new Trek film (instead of another path the filmmakers chose to take), but maybe the character will be fully introduced in a future sequel and that's a storyline for another day.

The famous opening narration of Star Trek used to say "space, the final frontier...where no man has gone before," and was eventually revised to "where no one has gone before." Despite all this, Star Trek was and is a great example of how science fiction can allow us to look at things like politics, religion, social issues, and even gender roles, and not only imagine "what if" but also aim a mirror at our current selves.
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The Tudors S01E03

My Lord, how like you this?...
Television Series: Tudors (S01E01- Wolsey, Wolsey, Wolsey!)
Release Date: April 2007
Actress: Lorna Doyle, Natalie Dormer & Rachel Montague
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids

Lorna Doyle

Natalie Dormer

Rachel Montague
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Monday, 4 May 2009

Skins S02E01

You used to say one tit was bigger than the other...

Television Series: Skins(S02E01- Tony and Maxxie)
Release Date: February 2008
Actress: April Pearson
Video Clip Credit: In The Best Possible Taste
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Saturday, 2 May 2009

The Tudors S01E01

You violated my daughter...

Anna Brewster says it was "fine" filming her first nude sex scene in The Tudors because the cast and crew had far more important things on their minds than her naked body. "It was the world cup at the time so everyone was more concerned with that," she explains. "I remember rehearsing it and England just scored so everyone was so happy that they kind of ignored me, which was fine."

Television Series: Tudors (S01E01- In Cold Blood)
Release Date: April 2007
Actress: Anna Brewster, Ruta Gedmintas & Slaine Kelly
Video Clip Credit: Celebvids

Anna Brewster

Ruta Gedmintas

Slaine Kelly
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Monday, 20 April 2009

Weeds S03E08

If I still had feeling in my nipple, I bet that would be amazing...

Television Series: Weeds (S03E08- The Two Mrs. Scottsons)
Release Date: October 2007
Actress: Elizabeth Perkins
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea
Video Clip Info: [hd720p at 4996 Kbps; 36Mio for 59s]
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Thursday, 16 April 2009

Weeds S03E07

I have to warn last two relationships...both guys ended up dead

Television Series: Weeds (S03E07- He Taught Me How to Drive By)
Release Date: September 2007
Actress: Mary-Louise Parker
Video Clip Credit: Gman
Video Clip Info: [XVID-10.1 MB]

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Thursday, 2 April 2009

Californication S02E08

I'm king of Fuck Mountain...

Television Series: Californication (S02E08- Going Down and Out in Beverly Hills)
Release Date: November 2008
Actress: Carla Gallo & Mädchen Amick
Video Clip Credit: DeepAtSea

Carla Gallo

Mädchen Amick
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