The BBC has commissioned a second series of hard-hitting crime drama Ripper Street. Set in Victorian London in the aftermath of the Jack the Ripper murders, the BBC1 series sparked complaints about on-screen violence. But a large audience of more than seven million have regularly tuned in for the Sunday night drama, featuring Matthew Macfadyen as Detective Inspector Edmund Reid. The decision was taken by Danny Cohen, Controller BBC One and Ben Stephenson, Controller of BBC Drama Commissioning. Ripper Street is executive produced for Tiger Aspect by Will Gould, Richard Warlow and for Lookout Point by Simon Vaughan. Shooting on the new series of eight episodes will commence in the spring for transmission in 2014. The series is distributed internationally by BBC Worldwide.
The BBC recently defended the drama, following complaints that it was too violent for its time slot. "Ripper Street is a strong and gritty series set in the East End of London at the end of the 19th century and we have tried to be true to the period," the broadcaster said. "We scheduled it after the 9pm watershed and made sure the content was widely publicised as well as giving a warning before each episode as necessary so the audience would know what to expect."
"Quality and ambition run through Ripper Street, from Richard Warlow's original scripts, the incredible cast and the captivating direction. All combine to create a period series with a modern and gripping edge that will return for a second series in 2014," said Stephenson. Warlow, the drama's creator as well as writer, added: "I am enormously grateful to have been given the opportunity to return to 'H' Division once more and will be working tirelessly to ensure that those who have joined us each week will find ever more compelling crime-fighting thrills down on Ripper Street the second time around. The series will move forward into the 1890s; the death rattle of a century coming to a close, the labor pains of a modern world on the rise. It is this sense of climax and calamity that, week by week, our heroes will confront with conviction and heroism."
Will Gould said the new series would take viewers "on another unforgettable walk on the wild side of 1890s Whitechapel" before detailing "series two will again explore the dark and extraordinary secrets of the Victorian world, and will further mine the hopes and hidden complexities of our heroes." Simon Vaughan, similarly expressed delight. "Partnering with BBC America was always our ideal scenario and it has proven to be a wonderful decision," he said. "They have given the series an amazing launch in America and we are delighted to be moving into series 2 together." Finally, BBC America’s SVP of Programming, Richard De Croce, responded: "Ripper Street on BBC America has just begun, with an additional six more episodes featuring great guest stars and powerful performances ahead this season. We’re looking forward to exploring more of Victorian London in season 2."
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